Friday, November 19, 2010

Old Sketch Book Scans

I recently found an old sketch book I had throughout all of high school. I think I got it sometime around the 9th grade. I never filled it up completely, I think because I used it so much that the pages started to get worn and a little water damaged. And on top of that it was twice as big when I first got it, I guess I ripped too many pages out. I still used it occasionally a few years later. Now I tend to not purchase sketch books with spiral binding anymore. The rest of the drawings I'm not posting because they were mostly rough drafts for other bigger pieces. That, and a lot of them were in pencil and faded really badly over time.


This is the first page of the book. I still utilize some of the techniques and if you had seen any of my work from then you could immediately tell it was my style. It was originally just in ink, but then a few years later I added color to it. But I don't know... I think I liked it more without color. But either way, I still like it.


This is around the time I started using more ballpoint pens. This is probably my favorite drawing from this sketch book. I've tried many times to recreate this, but have been unsuccessful in the past. I think it's because I didn't sketch it in pencil beforehand. The only problem though sometimes is that the pen can fade a little over the years. But this has held up pretty well.


So I went through this faze where all I drew were fish... though, not necessarily accurate fish. And this was my signature fish. Looking at it now after not having seen it in so long, I really like it. I forget how much I was into drawing them. Usually though they weren't in pencil

 I recreated this evolve piece later in a bigger sketch book. At the time it was probably my best (graffiti) piece. This took me a while to finish since there are so many layers involved and hidden arrows throughout.

Another evolve piece. Nothing special about it. Though I did use a lot of arrows. A lot of it has faded.

And the last page is of a few sketches of monkeys. I used a lot of these in graffiti pieces as characters. This was mostly just sketches for future drawings. But looking at these drawings makes me want to explore some old themes again.

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