Monday, February 4, 2013

Social Media, Graphic Novels and the Art of Procrastination

Okay, so this is going to be a long post since I haven't done anything a while. The irony of this post, specifically the part about procrastination, is that this post was sitting as a draft since November. Damn, I guess I really do procrastinate.


I recently (late last year, which isn't that reason anymore) started a deviantART page in order to get my name and artwork out to a larger audience of artists and art lovers. I've barely caught on to the whole deviantART craze (not sure if craze is really the word, but I know alot of people who are either on it or take material from it) and I have to say that I really like it. It's great to have people who actually like and appreciate art critiquing or complimenting your work.

That's mainly the reason why I haven't been updating this blog that often... Wait, that's a lie. Really though, it's mostly because I haven't been creating any new work. All of the art on my page, which can be found at, is old stuff. While there are a few pieces on there that I haven't posted either here or on my Facebook page, they're all older scans. But I still hope you check it out and maybe follow me. Or whatever the equivalent is on deviantART.


More recently though, I joined Twitter. After thinking about it long enough and the fact that I finally got a smart phone, I just went ahead and signed up. The thing about it though is that there's alot of nothing on there. Hell, even the things that I post are really not that interesting, except to me (and even then..) So if you want to follow me and see me post about the most random things (mostly sketches and things I'm working on) you can check out my profile at

Graphic Novels

I've really been sleeping on all the new (and not so new) graphic novels that have been coming out lately. There have been so many good books in the last year that I really should have been reading. I think ever since I stopped driving I kind of stopped buying, or even reading, any new graphic novels or comic books. Usually I check them out online first then go out and buy them. It's too hard for me to sometimes just order one online without first holding the physical copy in my hands. Books (comic, novels, graphic novels) are just about the only thing that I never think about pirating (pirating any media is bad and I do not condone illegal downloading of any kind).

Here are a few on my wishlist that I will more than likely purchase in the next couple of months (Not all are from 2012, these are just graphic novels that I have yet to read).

Building Stories, Chris Ware
I was originally going to purchase this from Amazon, but they were out of stock when I put my order in. And after waiting so long (and watching the price fluctuate back and forth from $25 up to the msrp of $50) I just cancelled it altogether. The book is more like a box set. More info and pictures of the set can be found here.

X-ed Out, Charles Burns
The Hive, Charles Burns
If I'm not mistaken, both of these books are closely relate to one another. I read his other book, Black Hole, and absolutely loved it. I wrote about it before, so I wont go into it again. Any of his work is highly recommended. My previous post about Black Hole and other graphic novels can be found here.

Spaceman, Brian Azzarello (Author) & Eduardo Risso (Illustrator)
I loved 100 Bullets, also by the same pair. And I've read positive reviews about this one.

Saga, Vol. 1, Brian K Vaughan & Fiona Staples 
Truthfully, I know very little about the actual plot of this series but again, I've heard great reviews on this one as well. As long as its not some typical, corny superhero plot then I'm all for it.

100 Bullets, Brian Azzarello (Author) & Eduardo Risso (Illustrator)
These have been out for a while, but I only have up to the first 7 graphic novel adaptations, an now they're re-releasing them into thicker hardcover books which I don't know to feel about.

The Art of Procrastination

Okay, so alot of times I post about how I'm going to do this next time (ballpoint pen drawings) or do that (watercolor painting) and so on. But I'll either not do it (procrastination) or I do but then I wont post it due to my dissatisfaction with it. This time though I'm actually going to do something that I've wanted to do for a very long time. Write and draw my own graphic novel.

The hardest and most frustrating part is writing the script and scenario. It's one thing to get a basic story which I more or less have. It's a whole different thing trying to write natural speech and narration. As you can see by my posts I'm a better artist than I am a writer (would never even consider myself a writer).

The basic story more or less is about a mentally unstable man living in a dystopian -like future. What comes to mind is something similar to Blade Runner. By that I mean a 1980's view of the future where there's an antiquated mixed of digital and analog technology. Kind of like steampunk, but without the polished brass. Hope that made any sense. But it really doesn't have to at this point.

Anyways, this is something that I am definitely going to be working on in the next few months and I'll be posting updates like storyboards, sketches and other related material to both this blog, deviantArt and on Twitter.