Monday, August 20, 2012

Work in Progress (untitled, Moleskine)

Okay, so I've stated numerous times in the past that I have a hard time with procrastinating when starting a drawing. And it doesn't matter whether it's a sketchbook drawing from my Moleskine or a full blown piece. I find myself posting more unfinished drawings lately. But in some cases I'll post an unfinished drawing if it's taking me too long to finish and I need some content for this blog (as is the case for this post).

The other day I was looking through one of the several poster shipping tubes that I have put away in the corner of my room and I came across a few unfinished pieces. One of them I stopped halfway through because of a rather interesting object I decided to add to it. I'll explain in another post once I get a chance to pin it down and take pictures of it (since the drawing has been in the tube for several years now, it naturally rolls together like a poster). But I digress...

Another unfinished (for now) sketch

The problem with me is that I don't usually start a drawing with much of a goal in mind. Meaning that I don't know where it's going really. An example is the image above. While the two images don't really look cohesive, eventually they will once it's finished. Though I'm not sure how I'm going to accomplish that at this point.

Therein lies my biggest problem, not enough planning or organization. I just start something with not much of an idea as to what's going on really. That's usually the reason why sometimes I don't complete a drawing, that or the drawing just sucks. But then other times, in those rare instances, I end up with a drawing that's far beyond my own expectations of what I'm capable of.

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