Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Postcard Designs

I recently started doing these small ink and marker drawings on postcard sized illustration boards. Which has been kind of a hassle... mostly the prep involved in hand cutting the thick paper. But once that part was done (I cut out at least 5 for the time being) it wasn't so hard except for what to draw on them.

Originally my idea was to make some hand drawn postcards but then I realized that the illustration board wasn't the best medium. The only reason I used it was it's sturdiness. But either way I think I'm going to use them as prototypes for future postcards. At the very least ideas for them, if anything. I wasn't sure what to draw but I know I didn't want to make anything realistic like scenery or people. So instead I decided to go abstract and use mostly patterns and designs.

The first one below is completed. The second one isn't finished yet but I'm getting around to finishing it. I'll probably have it done by the end of the week and can hopefully update this post or post it in a new one. The designs are pretty much just an amalgamation of previous designs I've done in the past. You can see the similarities to some of my other drawings.

You kinda get the sense of water, I think it's the wave(ish) patterns
I prefer this one to the other one, probably because of the boldness


  1. I'd have a hard time telling how much i like what you are doing, but i am süper glad, you re posting again.

  2. Thanks alot for the support. It's been hard to keep up and keep drawing lately. I'm going to try to post at least once a week if I can, maybe more if possible...

    And sorry for lagging on replying to your comment. I don't get too many (or any really) comments on here so I don't check too often to see if I have any.

  3. Nah, this blog is something i really, but really cling to. Real stuff around here!
